JTL Polypropylene Multi Purpose Ball Valves – Chemical & Water

JTL Spectrum Multi Purpose Ball Valves

A Glass Reinforced Polypropylene Full Flow Ball Valve suitable for a wide range of chemical applications including industrial and agricultural chemicals AND potable and non potable water. For a more detailed description of the product, please see the provided datasheet below.


Product Description Code
1/2" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV15HC
3/4" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV20HC
1" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV25HC
1-1/4" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV32HC
1-1/2" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV40HC
2" Polypropylene JTL Multi Purpose Ball Valve JBV50HC

Click Here Ball Valve PDF to download the JTL Polypropylene Ball Valve Brochure

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